
In the framework of a skills development project for Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) Anders Bro, Region Örebro County, has been commissioned to write a handbook with the aim of promoting municipalities and regions’ cooperation with social enterprises in Sweden. The handbook is intended to clarify the added value of municipalities and regions’ cooperation with social enterprises and to clarify the various parts and purposes of the civil society/social economy. The handbook will also clarify different ways of collaborating, both financially and legally, and contain a clear workflow for collaboration and show inspiring learning examples. The handbook will be presented at a dissemination conference in autumn 2020. The handbook will be available in digital format after the project. The contents of the handbook will also be used on the web in order to meet needs that are more specific.

The expected effects of the handbook are that politicians and civil servants in municipalities and regions receive increased knowledge and interest in initiating business and collaborations with social enterprises and that they have support in how collaboration and dialogue should be conducted.

SALAR is an employers’ organization and an organization that represents and advocates for local government in Sweden. All of Sweden’s municipalities and regions are members of SALAR. The members of SALAR (municipalities and regions) are the employers of more than one million people, which make SALAR the largest employer organization in Sweden. The target groups for the skills development project are SALAR’s office and all of SALAR’s members.


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