Ana Umbelino to represent REVES in the GECES 2018-2024
[:en]Ana Umbelino, member of the board of directors of REVES and councillor at Torres Vedras City Council (PT) will represent REVES in the European Commission Expert Group on Social Enterprise for the period 2018-2024. The GECES, which was created following the Social Business Initiative (2011), supports the European Commission for the implementation of policies concerning…
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DG GROW pilot – “European Social Economy Regions 2018”
[:en] The European Commission DG GROW launched a “European Social Economy Regions 2018” pilot action aiming at raising awareness about the social economy at regional and local level. Through this initiative, the Commission, coordinated by the “Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship Unit”, aims to provide expertise to support the organisation of regional events bringing together regional…
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“Using social innovation policy approaches to help cities and regions realise the potential of the European Pillar of Social Rights”
[:en] 16 April 2018 Committee of the Regions rue Belliard 99-101, B-1000 Brussels (room JDE52) Cities and regions are among the most fertile contexts for social innovation and experimentation. Many important themes such as collaborative citizenship and collaborative institutions, smart and participatory planning and budgeting have all converged at the city and regional level. Furthermore,…
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Region Örebro County has adopted its first Policy for civil society and social economy!
[:en] Region Örebro County has adopted its first Policy for civil society and social economy. “We have never had a policy of this kind before and it will enhance the ordinary work on growth and development in the county”, says Bengt Storbacka, Chairman of the board for Culture, Education and Social economy. The main objective…
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Urban regeneration processes as opportunity for human emancipation – the CAPACITY project in Messina
[:en] The project Capacity seeks to give inhabitants of three disadvantaged areas of Messina, in particular those living in the barrack settlements, the opportunity to become (again) protagonists of their own life. Simply eliminating the barracks and providing their occupants with more decent housing is an important step, but would not be enough. Referring to…
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REVES joined the Cohesion Alliance: towards a stronger EU Cohesion policy!
[:en] Currently worth one third of the EU budget, the EU’s cohesion policy reduces regional disparities, creates jobs, opens new business opportunities and addresses major global issues such as climate change and migration. The Cohesion Alliance (is a coalition of those who believe that EU cohesion policy must continue to be a pillar of the EU’s future.…
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Publication “Transfer of enterprises to worker cooperatives. A public policy focus.”
[:en] REVES is glad to present the publication “Transfer of enterprises to worker cooperatives. A public policy focus.” This was conceived in the framework of the Saving Jobs! Project. It includes: a comparative analysis regarding the context around the transfer of enterprises to worker cooperatives in Denmark, Poland, Spain and the UK, enriched by examples…
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Valencia, 8-9 November 2017: Grow Your Region Conference – SAVE THE DATE!
[:en] The 2nd edition of the ‘Grow your region’ conference will take place in Valencia, Spain, on 8 and 9 November. Save the date! The event is co-organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals for ‘Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs’ and for ‘Regional and Urban Policy’, in cooperation with the Valencia Regional Authority. Lessons will…
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16 November 2017: Join us for the Conference on Social Economy and the Future of Work!
[:en] The Conference on Social Economy and the Future of Work is a side Event to the European Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth. On 16th of November in Gothenburg (SE), the European Commission together with the European Economic and Social Committee, the City of Gothenburg and Region Västra Götaland will organise a conference regrouping a wide…
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Conference: “Transfer of enterprises to worker cooperatives and the role of public authorities – an under-estimated alternative to prevent closing-down of enterprises?” – REGISTER NOW!
[:en] In the upcoming years, a high number of small and medium enterprises all over Europe risk to cease activities if owners do not find any successor. At the same time, a number of enterprises close down due to economic difficulties or simply a change of strategy (e.g. delocalization). Countries such as France, Spain or…
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