
Public procurement is one of the concrete instruments to cooperate between local and regional authorities and social economy players. Indeed, public procurement plays a more and more central role in shaping the way public services are organised and delivered, while goods’ procurement is a powerful means to orientate local economic development.

Whereas the instrument does not formally count under the tools to pursue general policy objectives, it is undeniable that the choices done by contracting authorities have a major role in shaping the economic, social and environmental profile of a given territory.

Directive EU 2014/18, now transposed by a majority of Member States, embodies important novelties and possibilities for contracting authorities to take into account particularly sensitive social and environmental issues, which affects the partnership between local and regional authorities and social economy as well.
The new provisions could be grouped (roughly) in three areas: a) reserved contracts; b) social clauses; c) special regime for social services.

In order to properly use these new possibilities, REVES members decided to organise a series of learning sessions to exchange and share with a view to improve their practices.

These sessions, open to non-member guests, will: a) look into the spirit of the directive; b) check existing experiences and analyse them against the Directive and taking into account national rules and practices; c) analyse how to use and integrate such existing experiences to apply in other territories.

The European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social economy – REVES aisbl, together with Västra Götalandsregionen, Region Östergötland and the City of Gothenburg are glad to present the first learning seminar on Public procurement to support partnership between local authorities and social economy, which will be held on March 1st 2017 in Gothenburg.

The seminar will be followed by a meeting of the REVES Board of Directors.

Presenting experiences: Region Västra Götaland, Region Östergötland, City of Gothenburg, City of Brescia, Generalitat de Catalunya (TBC), City of Copenhagen (TBC), City of Athens (TBC) and others.

There is more…

Gothenburg, on the West Coast of Sweden, has become the city with the highest density of Social Enterprises and numbers are growing. This is one of the reasons why REVES and Coompanion have decided to set up a conference on 2nd March 2017 in order to explore also why this is happening and what tools and instruments have favoured this development.

With these insights we will present the Social Seducement game approach and how it can support the development of Social Enterprises amongst disadvantaged groups. In focus are single entities as well as replication through methods such as Social Franchising.

The conference will end with a discussion focusing on the key aspects that help you to implement Social Seducement tools in your own work and context in order to support the creation of Social Enterprises.

Knowledge about the Gothenburg success will be shared by some of the most important and influential local actors involved in developing and supporting Social Enterprises.

The Social Seducement Project will be presented by researchers and practioners working on the project.

Download now your registration form, and send it back to office@revesnetwork.eu by 10th February 2017

Check www.revesnetwork.eu for updates!


Public procurement is one of the concrete instruments to cooperate between local and regional authorities and social economy players. Indeed, public procurement plays a more and more central role in shaping the way public services are organised and delivered, while goods’ procurement is a powerful means to orientate local economic development.

Whereas the instrument does not formally count under the tools to pursue general policy objectives, it is undeniable that the choices done by contracting authorities have a major role in shaping the economic, social and environmental profile of a given territory.

Directive EU 2014/18, now transposed by a majority of Member States, embodies important novelties and possibilities for contracting authorities to take into account particularly sensitive social and environmental issues, which affects the partnership between local and regional authorities and social economy as well.
The new provisions could be grouped (roughly) in three areas: a) reserved contracts; b) social clauses; c) special regime for social services.

In order to properly use these new possibilities, REVES members decided to organise a series of learning sessions to exchange and share with a view to improve their practices.

These sessions, open to non-member guests, will: a) look into the spirit of the directive; b) check existing experiences and analyse them against the Directive and taking into account national rules and practices; c) analyse how to use and integrate such existing experiences to apply in other territories.

The European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social economy – REVES aisbl, together with Västra Götalandsregionen, Region Östergötland and the City of Gothenburg are glad to present the first learning seminar on Public procurement to support partnership between local authorities and social economy, which will be held on March 1st 2017 in Gothenburg.

The seminar will be followed by a meeting of the REVES Board of Directors.

Presenting experiences: Region Västra Götaland, Region Östergötland, City of Gothenburg, City of Brescia, Generalitat de Catalunya (TBC), City of Copenhagen (TBC), City of Athens (TBC) and others.

There is more…

Gothenburg, on the West Coast of Sweden, has become the city with the highest density of Social Enterprises and numbers are growing. This is one of the reasons why REVES and Coompanion have decided to set up a conference on 2nd March 2017 in order to explore also why this is happening and what tools and instruments have favoured this development.

With these insights we will present the Social Seducement game approach and how it can support the development of Social Enterprises amongst disadvantaged groups. In focus are single entities as well as replication through methods such as Social Franchising.

The conference will end with a discussion focusing on the key aspects that help you to implement Social Seducement tools in your own work and context in order to support the creation of Social Enterprises.

Knowledge about the Gothenburg success will be shared by some of the most important and influential local actors involved in developing and supporting Social Enterprises.

The Social Seducement Project will be presented by researchers and practioners working on the project.

Download now your registration form, and send it back to office@revesnetwork.eu by 10th February 2017.

Check www.revesnetwork.eu for updates!


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