REVES is the unique European organisation based on partnership between local and regional authorities and territorial social economy organisations...
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Papers and Recommendations
- REVES reaction on the publication of the European Social Economy Action Plan
- REVES Gender Equality Plan
- REVES reply on the Transition Pathway Survey
- Position on Digital Transition with a specific focus on the role of Platform Cooperatives, developed in cooperation with Coop des Communs, SMart, Dimmons Research Group and Coompanion
- REVES position on the European Social Economy Action Plan
- REVES position on regulations around EU cohesion Policy 2021-2027 and annex (ESF Thematic Network on Partnership: Recommendations regarding the European Code of Conduct on Partnership)
- European Pillar of Social Rights: REVES position
- An assessment of EU policy initiatives 2011/2012 and their impact on social economy (including the Social Business Initiative, European Social Entrepreneurship Funds, Public procurement, State Aids and Cohesion Policy)
- REVES-TQS recommendations on Quality in Social Services of General Interest
- REVES comments on the Committee of the Regions’ White Paper on Multilevel Governance
- REVES comments on the CoR opinion regarding local and regional cooperation to protect the rights of the child in the EU
- REVES recommendations on policies fostering «Intercultural Dialogue» (EN – FR – IT)
- REVES comments regarding the opinion of the Committee of the Regions on “Equal treatment outside employment”
- REVES position on the European Commission’s “Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion” COM (2008) 616 final
- REVES position on the European Commission Communication: “Services of general interest, including social services of general interest, a new European Commitment” COM (2007) 725
- REVES recommendations on policies promoting « Clustering with
Social Objectives » (EN – FR – IT) - REVES recommendations on policies promoting « Work-Life Balance » (EN – FR)
- REVES position on the Commission’s “White Paper on a European Communication Policy” COM (2006) 35 final
- REVES Position Paper on the Commission Proposal for a “Council Regulation laying down general provisions on the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund and the Cohesion Fund” COM (2004) 492 final