On 24 and 25 April 2017 don’t miss the SEE2 conference “SCALING UP SOCIAL ECONOMY ENTERPRISES IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE” that will be held in Ljubljana (Slovenia)!

The main purpose of the conference is to boost social economy enterprises in the South East Europe (SEE) region countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Romania and Bulgaria. It provides a platform for exchange of public and private experiences across Europe for development of social economy enterprises in SEE, for establishing links and a common strategy of the region.

This unique event deals with the following horizontal issues:

– Promoting European values through partnerships and social economy;

– Promoting social inclusion and jobs creation through partnerships and social economy;

– Promoting bottom up creation of regional networks through development cooperation programmes and IPA in case of candidate countries and EU sources of financing – particularly how to better use European Structural and Investment Funds to develop social entrepreneurship and social economy as a whole.

Download now the full PROGRAMME and get your free ticket by 15 April!


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