Discover now the 130 workshops, networking events and project visits organised in Brussels as part the 15th European Week of Regions and Cities (9-12 October 2017)!
Under the headline ‘Regions and cities working for a better future’, the programme tackles three main themes: Building resilient regions and cities – #LocalResilience; Regions and cities as change agents – #TakeAction; Sharing knowledge to deliver results – #SharingKnowledge. 28 partnerships of regions and cities, 14 Directorates-General of the European Commission, several networks, associations and other institutions have partnered up for it. The Opening session takes place on 9th October in the European Parliament.
REVES will contribute to the seminar “The contribution of Social Economy Enterprises to cohesion and resilience in cities and regions” (11 October, 9h-10h45, Committee of the Regions), organised by the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions.
Browse through the programme and register online!
Discover now the 130 workshops, networking events and project visits organised in Brussels as part the 15th European Week of Regions and Cities (9-12 October 2017)!
Under the headline ‘Regions and cities working for a better future’, the programme tackles three main themes: Building resilient regions and cities – #LocalResilience; Regions and cities as change agents – #TakeAction; Sharing knowledge to deliver results – #SharingKnowledge. 28 partnerships of regions and cities, 14 Directorates-General of the European Commission, several networks, associations and other institutions have partnered up for it. The Opening session takes place on 9th October in the European Parliament.
REVES will contribute to the seminar “The contribution of Social Economy Enterprises to cohesion and resilience in cities and regions” (11 October, 9h-10h45, Committee of the Regions), organised by the European Economic and Social Committee and the European Committee of the Regions.
Browse through the programme and register online!