Valencia, 8-9 November 2017: Grow Your Region Conference – SAVE THE DATE!
[:en] The 2nd edition of the ‘Grow your region’ conference will take place in Valencia, Spain, on 8 and 9 November. Save the date! The event is co-organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals for ‘Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs’ and for ‘Regional and Urban Policy’, in cooperation with the Valencia Regional Authority. Lessons will…
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16 November 2017: Join us for the Conference on Social Economy and the Future of Work!
[:en] The Conference on Social Economy and the Future of Work is a side Event to the European Social Summit for Fair Jobs and Growth. On 16th of November in Gothenburg (SE), the European Commission together with the European Economic and Social Committee, the City of Gothenburg and Region Västra Götaland will organise a conference regrouping a wide…
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