Region Örebro County has adopted its first Policy for civil society and social economy. “We have never had a policy of this kind before and it will enhance the ordinary work on growth and development in the county”, says Bengt Storbacka, Chairman of the board for Culture, Education and Social economy. The main objective of the policy is to strengthen the participation and influence of civil society and social economy regardingissues of regional development and regional growth. To achieve the main objective, a numberofmilestones and activities will be implemented over the next four years. The policy will:
- contribute to an increased understanding of the importance of civil society and social economy for regional development and growth,
- clarify and strengthen the support for civil society and social economy throughout the county,
- create, strengthen and coordinate networks and meeting places for civil society and social economy issues throughout the county, and
- increaseand strengthen the internationalization of civil society and social economy issues in the region.
Region Örebro County has developed the policy together with representatives from social economy and civil society as well as public sector representatives in Örebro County.
Are you interested in further information about the policy and its different activities, please contact Anders Bro, anders.bro@regionorebrolan.se or +46 72 146 87 81.
Region Örebro County has adopted its first Policy for civil society and social economy. “We have never had a policy of this kind before and it will enhance the ordinary work on growth and development in the county”, says Bengt Storbacka, Chairman of the board for Culture, Education and Social economy. The main objective of the policy is to strengthen the participation and influence of civil society and social economy regardingissues of regional development and regional growth. To achieve the main objective, a numberofmilestones and activities will be implemented over the next four years. The policy will:
- contribute to an increased understanding of the importance of civil society and social economy for regional development and growth,
- clarify and strengthen the support for civil society and social economy throughout the county,
- create, strengthen and coordinate networks and meeting places for civil society and social economy issues throughout the county, and
- increaseand strengthen the internationalization of civil society and social economy issues in the region.
Region Örebro County has developed the policy together with representatives from social economy and civil society as well as public sector representatives in Örebro County.
Are you interested in further information about the policy and its different activities, please contact Anders Bro, anders.bro@regionorebrolan.se or +46 72 146 87 81.