Registration for the Social Economy event of the year, the European Social Economy Summit, is still open and free! Click here for more information.
We will be happy to welcome you for the following sessions, co-organised by REVES:
The contribution of social economy to the achievements of ESF objectives: an untapped potential – 26 May, 11.30 am-1.00 pm
Starting from the analysis of the difficulties that social economy enterprises have encountered in accessing and implementing ESF funds, the workshop will debate the opportunities that sustainable development partnerships, simplification and legal and regulatory frameworks offer to untap the full potential of social economy in contributing to ESF objectives. The session will then discuss social economy in the new programming period under ESF+.
- Leda Stott, Partnership and Sustainable Development Specialist (ES)
- Cristiana Avenali, Specialist from Latium Region (IT)
- Luigi Martignetti, Secretary General, REVES
- Luca Santin, Simplification expert (IT)
- Valentina Caimi, Head of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Inclusion Unit, AEIDL (BE)
- Piotr Krasuski, Director of the ESF Department, Ministry for Regional Policy (PL)
- Jan Olsson, President, REVES
Tapping on the potential of the social economy to make socially responsible public procurement work – 27 May, 11.30 am-1.00 pm
Public procurement is an important instrument for public authorities to achieve policy objectives. Drawing on their social aim, the social economy can maximize the impact of public procurement policies and procedures. This workshop will encourage dialogue between contracting authorities and the social economy to share experiences, mainstream support structures and explore innovative approaches to make SRPP work.
The session has three thematic focuses:
- Delivering quality social services through an increased collaboration with the social economy within public procurement rules;
- Promoting the integration of disadvantaged persons through reserved contracts and employment clauses;
- Innovation in public procurement to fully bring out its social potential.
- Ms Valentina Caimi (AEIDL)
- Mr Massimo Molgora, Municipality of Brescia (IT)
- Anna Ciutat Coronado, Deputy Director General for Regulation and Supervision of Public Procurement, Directorate General for Public Procurement, Generalitat de Catalunya (ES)
- Ms Angelika Marning, Development Consultant Rummelig imidt (DE)
- Jenny Mehlitz, Attorney at Law GSK-Stockmann (DE)
- Ms Marie Boscher (DG GROW)
Platform cooperatives and their fundamental role in the context of recovery – Towards a people and planet-oriented digital transition in Europe – 27 May, 3.00 pm-4.30 pm
The Covid-related lockdowns have proven that territories need digital tools facilitating cooperation and mutualization.
Platformcoops are digital actors who differentiate themselves through values and practices inspired by Social Economy:
- democratic governance,
- fair sharing of the created value,
- particular care for users’ wellbeing – especially workers,
- ethical use of data,
- cooperation and mutualization between projects.
This workshop explores platformcoops as a critical lever to foster resilience and cooperation in and between European territories. It will investigate four main challenges for the dissemination of alternative platforms, based on the experience of four main field actors :
- How platform cooperatives ensure good working conditions to platform workers ? The example of Urbike (Logistics, Belgium)
- How platform cooperatives ensure that the data produced by the activities benefits the territories where they belong ? The example of Mobicoop (Car-pooling, France)
- How platform cooperatives ensure that the economic value generated by the activities benefits all local stakeholders ? The example of Fairbnb (Tourism, Italy)
- How open source technologies can provide easily scalable solutions for local resilience ? The example of the Open Food Network (local food systems, global)
- Nicole Alix, Coop des Communs/Co-Communs
- Renaud Sarrazin, Co-founder, Urbike (BE)
- Bastien Sibille, President, Mobicoop (FR)
- Jonathan Reyes, Co-founder, Fairbnb (IT)
- Bérengère Batiot, Open Food Network/Coop Circuit (FR)
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