The Region of Navarra, on 22 September 2021, adopted its Second Integral Social Economy Plan 2021-2024. The Plan is line with the priorities of the Reactivate Navarra Plan – which includes under priority 3 “innovative entrepreneurship and social economy” the commitment to “providing greater resources to the Second Integral Social Economy Plan” – but also with objectives of the S3 Strategy and Agenda 2030 (SDGs).
The Plan is articulated around five strategic lines:
1. Persons (e.g. stimulating the improvement of working conditions also in the social economy, training and employability or worker buy-outs);
2. Companies and organisations (e.g. support to the creation and consolidation of enterprises and organisations; encouraging the use of the cooperative model in sectors such as agrifood, improving access to finance and stimulating investments, support to companies facing generational changeover, promoting cooperation among social economy enterprises);
3. Sector (e.g. strengthening networks, supporting innovation; support to digital transition; improving the regulatory environment; enhancing cooperation between the social economy and public authorities)
4. Society and Territory (e.g. promoting the participation of the social economy in strategic projects and territorial plans; promoting the development of new social economy-based consumption models)
A fifth strategic line – linked to the promotion of gender equality – runs transversally through all other strategic lines. Also, a specific practical guide has been developed to facilitate the application of the gender perspective in the design, implementation and evaluation of the different actions.
Under the third strategic line, the Region also expresses its commitment to an active participation in REVES and Social Economy Europe.
The plan has been elaborated in close cooperation with the social economy and all its different families.
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