The European conference “Social Economy, the future of Europe” that will be held under the French EU Presidency on 5 and 6 May 2022 in Strasburg is approaching.
REVES, together with other national, European and international organisations, has been associated to the preparation of the event.
Beyond the coordination and animation of the thematic space “Territories and public policies” and the contribution of REVES President Ana Umbelino to the closing plenary of the event, REVES will take part in the event also as a co-organiser of the following workshops in which several of our members will share their experiences:
A life beyond public procurement: Competition, can we take a step aside?
6 May, 9.15-10.45 (Room Londres 1)
In a European regulatory framework organised around competition, actors and public authorities are innovating and inventing other modes of relations and economic development. They are focusing on cooperation to meet the many challenges facing territories and their inhabitants: co-programming, shared administration, territorial poles of economic cooperation, the common good approach, etc.
Why rely on cooperation? Shouldn’t the pursuit of the general interest be the guiding principle of political action? What is possible under EU rules, including state aid rules and the public procurement directive? What do we see from experiments with new approaches to cooperation in different EU member states? How can we change the paradigm? Based on European examples at national, regional and local levels, this workshop will decrypt what is possible and formulate proposals.
Co-organised in cooperation with RTES, Euricse-Terzjus and SEP-UNSA
With the contribution of:
Gianluca Salvatori, Euricse/Terzjus (IT)
Françoise Castex, former President of the Public services intergroup of the European Parliament, former Secretary-General, SEP-UNSA (FR)
Pierre Roth, City Council, City of Strasburg (FR)
Josep Vidal i Fàbrega, General Director for Social and Solidarity Economy, Third Sector and Cooperatives, Region of Catalonia (ES)
Margitta Haertel, Stiftung Pfefferwerk (DE)
Séverine Carboni, Charlieu Belmont Communauté (FR)
Giulia Galera, Cooperative Miledù (IT)
Which local and regional social economy-related policies to tackle the challenges of today and tomorrow ?
Crossing views of researchers and local politicians
6 May, 11am-1pm (Room Londres 1)
This interactive and prospective debate will bring together European local government officials and academics working on social economy-related public policies.
Which priority issues for tomorrow? What links between regional SSE policies and European policies and tools? What are the perspectives of local and regional SSE policies in the framework of the Green Deal and the European action plan for the social economy?
Co-organised in cooperation with RTES and the city of Barcelona
With the contribution of:
Jean-Louis Laville, Professor at Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers à Paris (Cnam), Holder of the Social Economy Chair (FR)
Mahel Coppey, Vice-President of SSE Nantes Métropole (FR)
Ana Umbelino, Vice-Mayor of the City of Torres Vedras and REVES President (PT)
Alvaro Porro, Commissioner for Social Economy, City of Barcelona
Mikel Irujo, Minister for Economic Affairs, Navarra region (ES)
Paulina Stochnialek, Board Wielkopolska Region (PL)
Timothée Duverger, Councillor Mayor of Bordeaux and Political Science researcher (FR)
Social economy and its potential for rural development in Europe
6 May 2022, 11am-1pm (Thematic area “Territories and public policies”)
The social economy and its actors, by initiating community-based actions that rely on the power of action of the inhabitants, bring a lot of answers to the challenges and needs of rural territories (characterised, beyond their diversity, by low population density): challenges regarding mobility, food, digital inclusion, sustainable housing, revitalization of territories, maintenance of services, maintenance of the last local shop, functional diversity of territories, etc.
What are the levers of support for the development of this economy in these territories? What forms of community action should be implemented, mobilised by local public actors and SSE actors? Which European policies could back these processes?
Based on the testimonies of both, public authorities and SSE actors from different European rural territories, the workshop will seek to highlight the conditions to be met at the European, national and local levels to promote sustainable development of rural territories in partnership with social economy actors.
Co-organised in cooperation with RTES, Avise, DIESIS and PETR Pays de Langres
With the contribution of:
Anastasia Costantini, DIESIS
Bérengère Daviaud, Avise
Antonio Ferigo, Social Cooperative Cadore (IT)
Claudia Petrescu, Center for Not For Profit Law (RO)
Jérôme Saddier, président d’ESS France et de l’Avise et vice-président de Social economy Europe (FR) (tbc)
Nadège Savard, chargée de mission PETR Pays de Langres (FR)
Floriane Vernay, Avise
Website of the conference (registration is possible here): Click here
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