Local action plans for green transition published: Focus on circular economy and community energy initiatives

In the end of August 2023 RESPONDET partner regions and cities finalised their local action plans for green transition. Focus areas of the plans are the social economy-based circular economy and/or community energy initiatives.

The plans were conceived on the basis of several elements:
Transnational exchange: Important input for the plans was generated by four transnational “mission workshops” (Barcelona, Namur, Krakow, Turin) and a European Policy Lab (Gothenburg) which provided an opportunity to exchange on existing legal and policy frameworks, good and bad practice as well as challenges and their possible solutions. Partners had decided to specifically focus on two themes related to green and social transition: community energy initiatives and circular economy. Both were discussed in a dedicated workshop. The third and fourth mission workshop provided the opportunity to deepen related ‘transversal’ topics, namely “Capacity-building” and “New forms of cooperation and governance”.
Methodological guidance: Partners jointly elaborated a guiding matrix for the development of the local action plans and the related co-construction process with local stakeholders.
Participatory Co-design process at local level: For the whole duration of the project and the design of the local action plans, RESPONDET partners regions/city have been working in close cooperation with local/regional social economy organisations, civil society, universities and other partners. This included context analysis, the creation of a joint vision, definition of the potential at local level and experiences from elsewhere, the identification of actions to be taken, etc. Three social economy organisations were official project partners. Other actors were involved through local meetings, local events, webinars and surveys. Several local stakeholders also had the opportunity to take part in the transnational missions and the European Policy Lab.

All local action plans have been written in the language of the respective partner region/city. A short summary in English can be found at the end of each document.

Take a look at the plans HERE.

The RESPONDET project has received co-funding under the SME-COSME programme of the European Union.

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