Event: Unlocking the potential of local action for global good. Foundations supporting local social economy for 2030 Agenda
Webinar, 28 April 2021, 2-5pm (CET) Foundations and philanthropic organizations have some unique features in mobilizing resources (financial, human, intellectual ones) for the common good. Autonomy, flexibility, capacity to take risk and innovate, long-term vision distinguish them from public donors and other actors. Their potential in supporting social enterprises and achieving social impact does not merely reside in the quantity of the resources they make available, but also in their quality and…
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Reves Admin
Event: “Projects of life and skills development: Different approaches to valuing parenting in work and life”
Online seminar, 26 March 2021 For two years, public authorities, representatives of SMEs and the social economy, researchers as well as NGOs have been working on ways to facilitate work-life balance and (women) employment. Among the results of the “Master Parenting in Work and Life” initiative, co-funded by the EaSI programme of the European…
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