DG GROW pilot – “European Social Economy Regions 2018”
[:en] The European Commission DG GROW launched a “European Social Economy Regions 2018” pilot action aiming at raising awareness about the social economy at regional and local level. Through this initiative, the Commission, coordinated by the “Clusters, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship Unit”, aims to provide expertise to support the organisation of regional events bringing together regional…
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“Using social innovation policy approaches to help cities and regions realise the potential of the European Pillar of Social Rights”
[:en] 16 April 2018 Committee of the Regions rue Belliard 99-101, B-1000 Brussels (room JDE52) Cities and regions are among the most fertile contexts for social innovation and experimentation. Many important themes such as collaborative citizenship and collaborative institutions, smart and participatory planning and budgeting have all converged at the city and regional level. Furthermore,…
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