PARI – Paths for Rural Innovation
REVES is coordinating the PARI project within the framework of the European Commission’s SMP – COSME Programme. It aims at establishing or reinforcing clusters of social and ecological innovation (CSEIs) in rural areas. PARI. Paths for rural innovation At the core of the PARI project is the creation of clusters for social and ecological innovation…
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Elisa Mancinelli
Project SOFIGREEN – Social Finance for Social Greening The SOFIGREEN aims to support the greening of processes and activities of SSEEs by enhancing their investment readiness, their access to finance and their multi-stakeholder (mainstream SMEs, research, public authorities, etc.) and multi-level (local, regional, cross-border) collaborations. The project will empowere social economy SMEs and entrepreneurs to…
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Skills For Transition – Increasing the Impact of Small Social Economy Enterprises (SKI.F.T.)
Project SKI.F.T. The SKI.F.T. project has the objective to accompany micro and small social economy enterprises in their efforts to make their business model and related practices more environmentally sustainable. More specifically, the project aims to enable small and micro community-based social economy enterprises to: a) develop sustainable business models, based also on new technologies…
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GRAPE – Local Social Green Resilience Action Plans for small and peripheral territories
Project GRAPE – Local Social Green Resilience Action Plans for small and peripheral territories GRAPE has the objective to experiment the co-construction of local plans for the green, social and digital transitions in four small and marginalised territories engaging social economy actors. Smaller territories are a perfect laboratory to showcase in a reasonable time frame…
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REgional Social economy POlicies for sustaiNable community-Driven Environmental Transition
Project RESPONDET RESPONDET aims to improve the capacity of local and regional policy-makers, public administration, social economy and civil society to jointly develop (policy) initiatives which would strengthen social economy-driven community management of resources. The latter is considered a main element of (socially) sustainable green transition processes and a fundament for the resilience of local…
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