EXPRESS Europe – EXchange of practices for refugees and migrants’ (self-) entrepreneurship
Express – Exchange of Practices for Refugees and migrants’ Self-entrepreneurship is an Erasmus+ project (Young and Active) that started in September 2019 and had been prolonged to 31 October 2021.
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Master Parenting in Work and Life (MASP)
MASP aimed to change the perspective of balance between work and private life moving towards a work-life synergy concept, to encourage a more equal share of care responsibilities between women and men and to stimulate higher women participation in the labour market.
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Undertaking intercultural exchange: joint and innovative actions for participatory integration – UNITE – (Under: INTI – Preparatory actions 2006)
The aim of the UNITE project was to pool capacities and resources of different local actors so as to set up coherent local strategies for intercultural dialogue and participation.
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DESEO – Development of districts of equal opportunities in social economy territories
DESEO aimed to analyze potentials for local clustering which geared towards improved mechanisms for an equal participation of women and men in economic and social life.
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Community actions for the reconciliation of family and working life: enhancing the role of local authorities and social economy – CARE
This project was developed in order to foster strategies supporting work-life balance and a stronger involvement of men into care for family members.
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Portrayal of Women – promoting changes in the image of women’s role in local governance
The Project was developed in the context of the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality (2001-2005). The project aimed:
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The project Capacity seeks to give inhabitants of three disadvantaged areas of Messina, in particular those living in the barrack settlements, the opportunity to become (again) protagonists of their own life. Simply eliminating the barracks and providing their occupants with more decent housing is an important step, but would not be enough.
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