Enabling micro and small social economy enterprises to engage in green transition – First meeting of the SKI.F.T project in Copenhagen
SKI.F.T. – from the Danish word for “change” – is the title of a new transnational initiative which has the objective to accompany micro and small social economy enterprises in their efforts to make their business model and related practices more environmentally sustainable. The project, launched in October 2023, is co-funded by the EU SMP-COSME…
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REVES Magazine on public policies and social economy: The first edition is out!
On behalf of the whole Editorial Board, welcome to the first issue of the Reves Digital Magazine. This is a brand new publication that comes from the need to gather knowledge and experiences within and outside the REVES Network in the field of social economy and among social economy actors, policy-makers and local administration entities.…
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RESPONDET newsletter October 2023
RESPONDET Final Webinar: Working on Perspectives and Recommendations Regions and cities, social economy organisations, civil society and academics from 10 EU Member States came together on 14 September 2023 for the final webinar of the RESPONDET project. During the webinar, RESPONDET partner regions/city presented the local actions plans for green transition they had finalised in…
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A framework for the participatory construction of action plans for green and digital transition to boost territorial resilience
One of the results of the GRAPE project was the construction of a digital tool to accompany, through a step-by-step process, local partnerships in the design of a participatory local action plan for green and digital transition. The instrument provides a general and flexible framework that users can adapt accommodating local specificities. It is composed…
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Learning considerations. Scenarios and practices of training in the social economy
Our idea of learning becomes naturalised over time. Instinctively, we are inclined to think that we have always learned ‘this way’, it has always been ‘this way’, taking for granted and as natural certain practices and modalities of learning and teaching: those we have experienced first-hand. It is a typical cognitive bias, which makes us…
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Event: Social economy as a key driver of social green transition in small and peripheral territories
The transnational project GRAPE aims at experimenting the co-construction of local plans for the green, social and digital transitions in four small and marginalised territories engaging social economy actors. Indeed, effective resilience to the climate, social and economic crisis is inherently local and in the EU there are some 121 000 small municipalities (EUROSTAT, LAU2)…
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Rural Pact Platform: Community Group on Social Economy launched
Rural Pact Platform: Community Group on Social Economy launched A specific Community Group on Social Economy has been established on the Commission’s Rural Pact Platform. Members of the group have the possibility to exchange information, discuss policies and practices, share surveys, partnership requests, etc. related to the topic ‘rural development and social economy’. The…
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Local action plans for green transition published: Focus on circular economy and community energy initiatives
Local action plans for green transition published: Focus on circular economy and community energy initiatives In the end of August 2023 RESPONDET partner regions and cities finalised their local action plans for green transition. Focus areas of the plans are the social economy-based circular economy and/or community energy initiatives. The plans were conceived on the…
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Social Economy as a partner for the design and implementation of Local/Regional Action Plans for Green Transition
“Social economy as a partner for the design and implementation of local action plans for green transition: Best practices, opportunities and challenges” RESPONDET Final Webinar 14 September, 9.30 am-1 pm (CET) During more than a year, regions and cities from four EU Member States have been working on ways to improve the capacity…
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