RESEES - Reinforcing Regional Social Economy Ecosystems and Stakeholders' Capacity

The main goal of RESEES is to improve the implementation of regional development policies in the field of regional SE ecosystems and stakeholders’ upskilling.

Social Economy (hereby SE) represents 2,8 million enterprises and organisations in Europe, employing 13,6 million workers, around 6.3% of the EU’s workforce. By promoting inclusive growth, environmental sustainability and community development SE contributes to a more resilient and equitable employment in European regions.
RESEES brings together six European regions with a sound integration of the SE in their RIS3 policy framework as a driver of sustainable regional economic growth.
RESEES overall objective is to improve the implementation of regional development policies in the field of regional SE ecosystems and stakeholders’ upskilling.
Its main goal is to reinforce cooperation and networking accompanied by the upskilling of SE stakeholders as a path towards quality inclusive and sustainable employment in Europe.
This project aligns to the implementation of the European Social Economy Plan and the European Skills Agenda at regional level.
Partners will identify experiences and good practices in the fields of four specific topics: SE promotion and awareness raising; capacity building and stakeholder’s upskilling; networking and cooperation and measuring policies and social impact.
An innovative project approach with a strong focus on in-depth learning will be organized around policy learning events in Navarra (ES), Murcia (ES), Nouvelle Aquitaine (FR), Podravje (SI), Lapland (FI) and Emilia Romagna (IT). Study visits and peer-review workshops back-to-back to thematic events will take place. The increase of capacities through the learning process will lead to the improvement of the SE ecosystems and stakeholders’ upskilling.
RESEES will deliver 24 good practices, 6 regional diagnoses, implementation of 6 road maps for policy improvement, a regional SE ecosystem model and an interregional SE skills mapping.
During the last phase, an evaluation on the impact of policy improvement in the six participating regions will be shared and disseminated at EU level.

The duration of the project is 36 months (from 1.4.2024 to 30.3.2027) for the core phase and 12 months for the follow-up phase.
